Dear Garden Club Members,
President Teri Schmidt - Jane Vidal
Vice-President Robert Holton
Treasurer David White
Secretary Jennifer DeSimone
Arts and Crafts: Diane Schafer
Collier Park: Teri Schmidt
Facebook: Ramona Valencia
Garden Tour Selection: Jane Vidal
Grants, Scholarships: Connie Sabon
Historian: Rebecca Holton
Horticulture Table: - Carol Bazinet
Membership: Julie Perrault/Connie Sabon
Newsletter: Maggie Crane
Palomar District Delegate: Linda Hermecz
Penny Pines: Diane McKee
Photographer: Diane Schafer
Plant Sale:Debbie Gomez-Carol Wilson
Publicity: Ramona Valencia
Raffles/Opportunity Drawing: Kathy Marshall
SD Zoo Safari Park: Debbie Gomez
Special Events: Rebecca Holton
Sunshine Ambassadors: Diane McKee
Yearbook: Maggie Crane
"People are turning to their gardens not to consume
but to actively create, not to escape from reality
but to observe it closely.
In doing this they, experience the connectedness of creation
and the profoundest sources of being.
That the world we live in and the activity of making it
are one seamless whole is something
that we may occasionally glimpse.
In the garden, we know."
by Carol Williams, Bringing a Garden to Life, 1998